Message from the President
Tetsuo Hattori
Japan Fine Ceramics Center

The Japan Fine Ceramics Center (JFCC) was founded in 1985, in an effort led by the Central Japan Economic Federation with the cooperation of business, industry, and local governments, as a public interest corporation (an incorporated foundation) dedicated to the research, testing, and evaluation of fine ceramics. The inception of the JFCC was part of a policy adopted by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (currently the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) to promote new materials. The foundation celebrated its 30th anniversary in May of 2015.
In 2007, JFCC established its Nanostructures Research Lab as a second research laboratory, following the Materials R&D Lab. Based on the collaboration of two laboratories, JFCC has undertaken a wide range of research and development in new material fields, not just of fine ceramics but metals, polymers, and composite materials through synergies achieved by the three R&D pillars: microstructure analysis, computational materials design, and new materials development and materials analysis technologies. Our efforts have generated solutions to the advanced and wide-ranging needs of industry and made significant contributions to industries in Japan.
The JFCC will continue to conduct research that meets the needs of the times and our society, pursuing originality and innovation to establish ourselves as a global COE (Center of Excellence). We at the center, from board members to employees, pledge to make collective and dedicated efforts to strengthen Japan’s industrial competitiveness from a range of different approaches based on our key strengths: R&D with an eye on manufacturing industries and R&D capable of bridging fundamental research to practical applications.